Wednesday, May 26, 2010

very sangat bernaseb baik..||.envy friends go to heaven??

pergi la ke syabu-syabu
ride motor berdua-duan ngan rumet
biler ag kan kami nak manja2x
(statement yg agak gay)
next sem dier dah intern
terpaksa la cari rumet lain

besh angin petang sepoi-sepoi bahasa
tapi x dapat dinikmati dengan tenang
tau kenapa
sbb perut teruk dilanda kemiskinan makanan
rela x makan sehari semata-mata nak makan byk kat sana
alang2 $17.50 bebb
kena la tahan lapar sket
kata nak makan besau
ini dah masuk second time g saner
mungkin ak akan menjadi pelanggan setia kowt next sem
depends pd kondisi jugak la kowt
kalau dapat rumet yg best okay lah
yg ak takowt dapat rumet yg entah hape2

ini citer rumet ak
sebelum ak jd rumet dier
his previous roomate are BAPUK
lepastu GAY plak
wat projek ngan member dier tyme rumet ak tidur
sedih2x + kesian2x
kalau ak rela ak cari bilik lainlah dr stay ngan org2 mcm tu
merosakkan diri jer
tp ak salute lah ngan rumet ak
dier x pernah bercakap sepatah pun ngan budak tu
masa nak balik jer br tegur
bapak boring dowh
masing2 wat hal masing2
mintak2 ak dapat rumet yg baik dan mulia
satu lagi
rumet ak mestilah bukan coursemate ak
thats better

sambung citer td
sampai saner
makan2 seperti biasa
ak makan aper yer??
byk sangat
kambing,ayam,udang,ketam,daging,cendawan,steamboat,mee hainan
sampai kenyang giler perut ak

tp kan
dr dulu lagi
ktorg mmg berhajat sangat nak masuk KTV kat sebelah tu
x tahan LOL
the sound made is keep demagogical my soul to get in
masuk la jugak
dlm sejam duk layan lagu kat dalam
tetiber jer senyap
naper plak niyh
tp ak rasa mcm something bad jer
so kami blah ikowt pintu belakang dengan secepat mungkin
lepas berjaya kuar disebalik kepanikan amoi2
bajet nak g tinjau suasana lah
jalan depan KTV tu balik
amik ko
ada rush lah
satu trak polis ada nak angkut budak2 kat situ
what a nice day
ak berjaya meloloskan diri dr benda2 tu
kalau x
sakit gak masuk bilik gelap kena torture ngan 'mata-mata'
pastu kena urine test la aper
mau sehari gak dlm tahanan
nasib oh nasib
thank u so much

there's somebody really annoyed me
don't want to mention who is he/she
just an old messy brat
once i called him/her my friend
keep shitting n fucking my life
there was certain kindred in Tanah Malaya who was very busybody
so if he/she were ur friends
better leave one inch between you
or else
he/she will backfired n stab u from the back
 my motto is simple
i don't mess u down n u also don't make a mess with me
thats make me like to be a 'soloing' person
(zakwan said)
but for certain people
i really appreciate them enough
for being my true friends

mostly i knew
javanese people is a trouble maker
I'm not insulting the majority of them
since many of them are quite kind and friendly
but a very little from them
acting like nonsense pathetic jungle people
love to play a dangerous game in others home's courtyard
they didn't know what will effect them if the owner of the yard is very angry
if the owner is kind enough they maybe will just be chased away
if the owner is also like him and they will be in a lot of trouble
yield to dead or great permanent disability is the answer

I'm not blackmailing or menacing somebody
people must know the fact
if they play in others yard
sooner or later they will get back the unimagined consequences
so people
please aware if u ever stepped in at others courtyard
believe me
the tribulation is more than what u had done
have a nice life that u still have


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