Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mlm rayer yg agak pelik...x meriah cam biaser jer??

Terlebih dulu nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya pada semua friends and buddies...hope korang sambut this eve ngan penuh meriah dan gembira...ak actually agak x brapa meriah r this raya...x macam dulu2....

Kali ni rayer kat KL jer...tu yg x meriah tu...pastu hr kedua pergi r singgah rumah atuk ngan nenek belah mama kat Kuala da x balik...raya puasa lepas langsung x pergi pun saner sbb ak balik Klantan time tu....

This time agak pelik sket sbb ak nak rasa camner raya kat KL sini dgn parent ngan siblings ak...biasanyer ak da lama da chow balik klantan sbb saner lg best....sambutan pun meriah...wahahah~

Mlm ni mmg rasa pelik plak sbb biasernye kat Klantan nenek ak wat satay, roti jala, jelly, dan nasi impit ngan kuah kacang tp kat sini x dengar langsung bunyi meriah2 buat makanan...mcm x prepare aper2 jer...mama ak pun just buat choc cake nagn fruit cake ak mmg x minat kek2 niyh....manis sangat...huhuhu~....entah r aper yg berlaku..mcm x rayer jer...x de langsung mood raya...inilah biler da moden sangat n semua benda pakai men tempah jer...da x de semangat tolong menolong time nak prepare makanan.....

Tp ak malas nak judge ag pasal rayer kat KL niyh sbb raya pun esok kan...jadi kena wait n see r...mana tau kan seronok i hope sangat r rayer kat sini seronok....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crazy likes b4 with my friends.....

Hahaa...this day really the best day on my life...WHY???...coz ak dapat gak kuar g jln2 KL...TQ r kat member2 ak ni sbb sanggup dtg ambil ak kt umah..ak bukannyer x leyh drive sndiri tp ak ni jenis yg x ingat jln...bila balik umah mama ak pas cuti ni mmg da agak blur sket..sampai jln kat KL pun da ingat2 lupe...ak kena gelak jer sbb sesat jln...keta kt umah tu bukannyer ader GPS pun...yg ader GPS mesti r King ngan Queen da guna...jd tinggal keta yg tadak GPS je la kat umah tu....sedih2x.....

Berbalik pd citer ak td, ktorg x plan pun benda2 niyh tp kwn ak si Rychard ni yg msg ak smlm...sambil2 msg ak sajer je tanya takder program ker esok kan....n dier ckp nak g round ak pun suh r dier amik td tetiber jer semua geng2 ak ader sumer...huhu..seronok gler after sbulan lebiyh x jumpa...dlu jumpa pun sbb raya.....

Ak sbnrnya bajet daa lari gler sbb kekawan jer ak kuar...sblum kuar tu ak ad dlm RM7 jer...kah3x~...ksian gler...sajer malas nak cucuk duet...alah duk umah jer pun...mana guner duet tuk kuar niyh ak pinjam r kad plastik mama sbgai langkah berjaga2 sbb mana tau kan over bajet(mmg slalu pun)...pendek citer si Rychard ni dtg r rumah ak ngan Boxter 911 abg dier...fuhhh..mmg best r dpt nek Porche kan..kembang hidung ak...kah3x~

Yg join skali ktorg ialah Rychard, Fasha, Fiq n ak....shok abes r....mula2 ktorg ingat nak g tgk movie.....2012 semua da penuh...siot tul r...ramai gler peminat cter tuh...jd terpaksa r cancel tgk movie...ktorg just men bowling jer 2 set...(ak x terrer pun men bowling)...lpastu dlm pkl 1ptg camtu ktorg g shopping kat The Curve...hahha...abes r kad plastik mama ak jd mangsa nanti...huhu~

Ak mmg tgh carik kasut pun skrg ni n ni r rasa segan gak nak belanja ngan kad mama ak...kan x pasal2 kena marah..Biler tgk diorg shop sakan ak pun mmg r x tertahan...aper ag..dkt RM 800 ak habeskan tuk shopping...mana sedar kan...just slide kad jer...pastu kantoi sbb careline bank call mama naseb bek mama ak cool jer...kalo x abes ak...kah3x~...
Ak beli kasut Paul Smith tu hrge 399.00..pastu baju Suave 150.00..lastly jeans DG 270.00...mmg r blanja sakan ak hr niyh....

Lpas tu ktorg trus g makan kat Lecka-Lecka...ak minat dier punyer Gelato..sedap ooo...home made tu...ak order Tropical Oasis(RM20),Moroccan Lamb Pizza(RM33)...n kwn ak niyh dier order Pizza yg ada 4 jenis topping atas dier...ak pun x ingat ape namer dier tp mmg nampak cam sedap r....nyesal order Moroccan Lamb niyh....

Lpas makan, ktorg g kat SOGO...Karok r...aper lg...mmg best r karok kt time tu x de bilik yg terpaksa amik bilik yg agak besar...adoiii...lg byk r kluar duet ak...mcm air hr ni alang2 tu biar r karok spuas hati biarpun suara nseb bek dpt complimentary sprite satu jug...hilang r gak serak lpas melaung2 niyh...

Lpas karok plak mmg da tatau nak wat pkl 8 niyh...bab kate org mlm masih mude...jd ape lg..melepak r kat Arab Street tu...sambil2 pekena shisha perisa anggur mint...agak layan r mlm2 kan sambil tgk life perfomance kat BB Plaza....dlm pkl 12.30 ktorg da b'tolak balik rumah...n Rychard bawak Boxter abg dier mcm sayal...laju gler..rasa cam nek kapal terbang jer...balik rumah pening trus kpala ak....n tertidur..ZZZZZ

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

10mlm-10pg..+..2ptg-6.30ptg.....waktu tdo ak dlm musim cuti niyh... btul cara ak tdo this sem break niyh...mana tidaknyer mlm2 asyik kuar jumpa member jerk...balik pun dkt2 subuh...mmg da jd kaki rayau da ak x pe kowt sbb ak da miss gler kat diorg niyh...maklum ler da 3bln x jumpa..huhhu~

Ngantuk x ngantuk tu balik dr lepak ngan member tu sempat gk bukak FB ak...thats the medium for me to keep in touch with my univ buddies..they live jauh2 sangat...kalo yg duk kat KL ni braper org ler sangat n bley dikira ngan jari jerk....sambil2 tu bley gak ak bukak AM ak...(AM=Airline Manager)...tu kire game on9 r...mmg addicted tul ak ngan game tuh...very bad....!!

Melihat cara ak idup time cuti ni x mustahil berat badan ak akan kembali kpd asal...kah3x..dlu brat ak dlm 82kg bila da masuk blajar balik otomatik turun dlm 10kg..jd dlm 70kg..teringat ak time mula2 jumpa parent ak tuh...diorg siap tanya ak cukup makan ke x sbb da nampak kurus...hehhe tp biler da kat umah ni bleyh r simpan tayar spare balik...

Pikir punye pikir why my body weight ni da kurang time kat univ...sdgkan hr2 ak makan byk...kekadang sausage tu sepeket skali makan...pastu siap makan daging teriyaki dlm bilik...spaghetti n len2 benda yg dkira heavy bleyh gak hilang weight dlm 10kg...Naper yerk....maybe kat univ stress blajar kowt or byk prob...mkn byj pun x nek badan sbb ashik ad masalah len plak kalo duk umah...prob tada, kerja tada, study pun x kirer ZERO prob ler ak niyh sbb asik lepak jerk...kerja rumah pun PAPA ak yg buat...hahha..(ak mmg x amik tau pasal hal2 rumahtangga niyh)...

Lastly, kalo cuti2 sem mcm niyh mmg r ak change jd musang kowt...x tdo mlm tp tdo blah pikir2 this cuti sem ni tatau mana nak pergi ler...last cuti sem da pergi JEJU, mana plak nak g sem niyh...yg best nyer dpt g ngan member2...fuuhh...mmg happening ad gk ajak ak g bajet cam lari jer cuti niyh..tatau mampu ke x...kih3x~..kalo x mampu pergi Langkawi je la....ramai gk member2 ajk g sana tp yg peliknyer tatau ag nk g biler...aper2 pun biar la diorg handle sbb last sem break ak da handle ader aper2 pandai2 r diorg kontek ak....kalo g x ajak ak tu mmg siap r diorg...ku ketuk kepala diorg tau...hhuhu..

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wahaha....sehari suntuk kat rumah...nerd gler hr ni!!!

Hr ni mmg bleyh dkatakan hr brsejarah r bg ak la spnjang stgah tahun niyh....ak duk umah sharian tampa lihat dunia luar...gler arghh...turun pun sbb makan jerk....yg slebiyhnyer layan ASTRO..huuhu..gian beb..lama gler x tgok...hhaha

First first kalo duk sorang2 kat rumah niyh mmg r boring..tambah2 ag tadak saper nseb bek ada adik pompuan yg cute tu...cuti skolah ler katakan...bleh wat teman ak kat umah..dier ni mmg agak hyperactive yg best nyer leyh gak meluangkan masa ngan dier...maklum r da lama x balik kan....

Ptg td time2 boring tu ak ada r sket ngajar dier Maths tp dier mmg x paham ape ak ajar...dier ckp advance sangat cara ak kire...hahhaa...mmg ak x bragak sampai ajar dier algebra...pdhal dier br stdard five next year.....huhu...dier ni mmg r main byk..blajar 2-3 kerat da nak mintak makan..hhehe..ak gak r kena wat megi r coco crunch la...adoii..pening x pe la asalkan dier blajar....hahaa

Lpas tu kan...dier bleyh plak suh ak ajar nari...aper lg..ak pun ajr r nari CHA CHA...siap record ag tunjuk kat Mama...kah3x~....ak pun bukan pandai sangat tp ak ad blajar ngan kawan ak cik zakwan niyh....dier masuk basic dance n ajar ak nari CHA-CHA kat bilik dier...fuhh(thanks zack)...jd ak turunkan ler ilmu dance ni kat adik ak...huhu, suker gler adik ak...dier ckp step ak wat tu mcm sbnrnya ak pun tatau gak...ingat2 luper jer ape yg cik zakwan ajar ak.....nak jadik citer adik pompuan ak niyh record gambar n letak camera atas gubahan bunga Mama aper lg..balik tu kena sound ler...ak wat don't know jer...jahat gler ak..hua3x~

Satu ag hr ni PAPA ak x kerja...sbb tu ak x kuar...kalo x kena kuar gak beli makanan...harap bibik masak mmg x sedap...kah3x~....Tp today papa ak masak telur dadar...kah3x~..mmg lawak x de rasa lansung...kui2x..biaser r org laki br2 jengok ke dapur kan...aper lg..hitam r kuali tu sbb hangus...mmg lawak r hari ni...dlm2 boring pun rupenyer masih ader ruang tuk hepi2..tu r dinamakan family....steruk n sebaik manapun kt tetap hepi sbb famili r yg mencetuskan aspirasi kpd semuer.......*_*

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Facing misunderstood buddies....

Friends is a symbol of prosperity and various diversity but with a little glitch it will affect yourself as hard as a mountain in your own shoulders.You will stressed out and feel very lonely for a while till them cooling down. I remembered that this situation happen to me around three times..and i quite emotional about that.

First is with Mr.J, He is quite good to me and that situation happen because of little misunderstanding between us. Me myself is a very secretive person and i don't like just throw my private secret through the public. Mr.J asked me about my grade n i refused to cooperate with him. I don't want anyone else to know except my family...because if my grade very high the people also talk behind me and i get a low grade the people also talk...and the easiest solution is to shut ur mouth out and just act natural. He cannot accept my style and 'teros mengamuk sambil hentak2 meja'..what a nonsense action..hahha(sorry Mr.J)..This scene happen when others don't respect someone else privacy. They supposed to know their friends well and hinder such as bad action that will effect their friends emotion. Finally we just take our own way and we also talk each other but it is not wonderful as we were at wise man said ' the second time hand made of flower is not as beautiful as the first'..Nevertheless, we still friends...hahaha~

Secondly is with Mr A, he supposed to be my ex-roommate. We start knowing each other since we were in foundation year and at that time he doesn't show his true color. When we were be a roommate then i know he is very bad and pathetic person. Very unhygienic and quite smelly. With his drug addict like face, i feel very mad when i saw him and now i'm still don't like him. He is just an ordinary person but always talk BIG and BIG...have this and has that but never show even a single his big talk in my own eyes except just TALK BIG..what the hell wrong with him..just act who u supposed to be and never act more than that coz people will know the truth at the end...I remembered that when we still a room ate i myself do not talk to him any pieces of words..i just do my own job n never step on his side..he also in debt couple of hundreds with me and he just closed his eyes when i want to get my money back...what the heck..he'll make all his friends suffered and just fooling around with his BIG TALK...

Last but not least is about Mr. P, he is the best ever friend i have and till now we still as keen as possible. Our relationship is very hard to tell but for the sake of examples to others, i want to exposed this thing. He is my junior and i met him during my 1st year 2nd sem. We both stay in the same village. Our friendship is quite unique and great because we have many similarities and have the same interest. We just get along each others and the conflict happened when he as want to make our friendship as secret as he can to the public. I dunno what was his intention is but at that time i a little bit sad. Y he did such as stupid action....??..but i soon realize that i must respect his style and i don't want the case 1 above happen to me one more time just because of little misunderstanding...anyway we both can solve this conflict without any fight and thanks god because u're giving me such a good friends...hahha~

In the nutshell, friends is all about tolerate, trust and consideration. Without them, friendship won't last longer and will break easily. As Gautama said " if ur friends is a fire, you must be the water and if your friends as hard as diamond, you must be a soft soil to store the hard diamond"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Test ends what's next??

For this sem it's very hard for me...but gratefully it will ends today...last paper very 'sakit kepala' coz many facts to remember and i really dun like that Microprocessor much as i like and so i just know what gred suppose to get n just study without understand...better than force my brain to ex-Gratia this subject..wahahaha~

Just now has finished my exam at block N but what i do is 'pakai belasah jerk' that paper coz some Q just like hell...'susah siot n pasrah jerk'...What i want is my holiday n must 'pecah n perintah' this semangat study to semangat cuti...Me myself suddenly get a miscall from my 'cosmet'; cik zakwan but me did not answered coz stressed about that my thought(cess, sibuk jer nak mscall ak..nak tanya pasal exam td ler nak g mana2 maklumler daa cuti kan..)

Haaha..just remember today i wanna cook something to my junior...he insisted me SO much for that...n i dunno whether sempat ke tidak coz me myself have tons of jobs to execute..for example my laundry is not picked yet, my cloths still not packed, and so on...Hayya..what a hectic day...supposed to sleep after exam but since my bro want to pick me back on Friday..means i should say gudbye to my nap....

I'm still thinking what supposed to cook here...lots of recipes flying over my head n no more equations n formulas...coz just say gudbye to my study mood...Cheese Macroni or just Bollognesse... both of them very-very tasty but i'm really divide hearted to cook which one...kah3x

WTF.....cik zakwan call me just now coz my analog I paper for test 2 is missing....Dr. Saiful announced just after i went back to my room...very bad...dun want to take the other test...its sound terrible but what else to do...the Vito power is within his choice!!!!..I called him and want him to replace my marks with equivalent consideration...this is not my fault RIGHT?...So why need for other replacement....I stressed to him that it is unfair to blame me for that...that must be G.A.'s problem...

These G.A's really a mess in here....careless n inconsiderable...these jerk just want to study free under G.A's contract but didn't care much about us as a undergraduate student....

At the end, problem can happen every time without any please be careful....Now the clock shows around 1pm and it is time to me to settle the problems.....n wish to all my friends 'selamat bercuti n jumpa lagi sem depan'....Bye!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dedicated to my best buddy.......Mr X

The tales of Friendship.....

One night when we can see the moon
I opened my eyes and see myself alone
Curled up on the corner of my bed
When i think of you..i can't sleep...i get lost
You are by my side at night
Loving me sweetly

But when i say 'Why do you love me?'
I always get up
It makes me sad when I'm not the one
That one that is most important to you
But I'm definitely the one
The one's who knows whats most important to you, right?

I grasp it tightly on my hands
That little believe of mine
So tight that my favourite ring hurts me

Because i want to feel you near me
My most important person......